This morning I read something that has stuck with me through the day that I decided to share with you all. It made an impact on me and so I would like you to share your thoughts as well.
If I understand correctly, old ships were made of wood that was probably new and shiny and neat-looking. Then they were put into the water and off on their voyages and things began to happen. They went through rough storms and calm seas, low and high tide, scraped along the bottom or against rocks. All of these things combined together to make the ship into a beautiful vessel.
I think maybe our lives are like that. The trials we face, the rough spots we go through, the difficult places we find ourselves in - over a period of time, these make us into the "beautiful" person God intends us to be. God uses each trial, each rough spot, each difficult place to smooth out our rough edges and redefine us - turning us from an ordinary "skiff" into a beautiful "yacht".
Recently, I have been somewhat resistant to change the areas that God has been working on me about. I haven't been too thrilled with the storms, and the scrapes and the low and high tide. Somehow I need to get a vision, even a glimpse, of the vessel HE is trying to mold me into. I guess I am just like a lot of other people who have a difficult time learning the lessons that God is trying to teach as HE LEADS us through the storms and rough spots and difficult places.
For the record, I WILL learn and I WILL adjust and I WILL become the vessel HE can use. Granted I may not do that over night but then it took years and years for the ships to become the beautiful vessels that sailed the oceans.
Your thoughts??
Very good object lesson. Most of the time I feel like all I can do is get sea-sick on this "journey" in my little dinghy! Thanks for the thoughts!
HI:-D Check out my blog for pictures of the baby! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR YA'LLS PRAYERS!!! They were VERy needed and we felt them!!! Thank you alot! Luv ya'll lots and see ya soon!!!
I can't wait to see ya'll Monday but i have soooooooo much to do before I leave Sunday night!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Its really stressing me out!!!!!!! Anyhooooo...i'll talk to ya later! Luv ya'll...
Leah, hi it is me again Eileen Gerard. I so agree with what you have said on your blog. It is the storms that we become strongest. I have been through a few, and the Lord still allows them to come into my life. I pray all is well with you and I know that God will carry us through those storms. Have a Bless Day! Love & Prayers, Eileen
Hi:-D Guess what??? I'm at your house right now:-D Yeah:-D Cya later...
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