Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pictures of our Last Week and Some "Explanation"

Okay - the following is a VERY BRIEF photo journal from the last week or so. It is a small journal in comparison to the actual events but at least it will give you the general idea.
This first picture happened when we first got David and spent some "quality time" stuffing his face at the local Cracker Barrel!! Of course the rest of us didn't mind eating either!!

This was taken this past Sunday night after church! I think you can say that the family was "complete" after Christa's arrival on Saturday morning. They can't seem to figure out that there are plenty of seats in the living room for everyone to have one!!

This was the early "Christmas" present that we bought for David to take "over yonder" with him. It is a Marine Bible and has some really great things in it that we felt would be very beneficial for him! We even had it engraved and hope that it comes back home with him in one piece (both him and the Bible!!!)

This was "proof positive" that during Dave's "Christmas" prayer, we should have raided the hankie drawer BEFORE he started. To say that we "snotted" up more than one hankie would be an understatement and David insisted I take a picture of his "snotty" arm!!!

We decided to try to have a party for David while he was here. This would be the very proud parents along with the awesome Marine behind the table with his cake. Yes - there WERE actually two cakes and no there is not any left!!

Yea - kinda self-explanatory I know but just in case.....this would be the two "love-birds" with the cake!!

I bought two of these cakes - one chocolate and one vanilla. Absolutely delicious - proof in that there wasn't hardly any left. Thanks to Tara for helping me out with this!! By the way, for the record, she has been a GREAT friend to me and I love her dearly!!

Even with her standing and them on their knees, she really isn't all that tall is she??? Ashley will fall apart when she sees that I put these two pictures on here but they just cracked me up!! The next picture is of her with them standing!!! This is Nathan Veyon, Joel Veyon and Doug Wiseman. Anyone want to tell me why that girl is always surrounded by boys?!?! Josh even tried to stick his head into the first picture!!

Well, this was only about 2/3 of my living room at one point. Let me see if I can get them all named - Clayton and Candace Carroll, Brittany Shillington, Danielle Case, Christa, Elisabeth McBryant (my niece), Courtney, Sean (Danielle's groom-to-be), Caleb Carroll, the knees of Clouse Hobbs, and Josh Kline. In the other 1/3 of the living room was Ashley, Carrie, Rebecca Kline, Joel and Nathan Veyon, Doug Wiseman and I seriously forget who else!!! Let's just say it was close to the noisiest room in the house for the entire time of the party!!

This group was in the kitchen - Mary Ellen Huff, Jackie Shamber, Karen Carroll, the red shirt belonged to Carla Case and Jan Hobbs is on the cell phone. Wonder how she heard that call??? My dear friend Tara was probably hiding from the camera but I think I have some pictures to post later that will take care of that!!

Let me see.....the men in the dining room. Oh yes - that is where the food was!!! Anyway, Ralph Hydes was in black, Dave is to his left, a small glimpse of Pat Davis, and then Joe Taylor was to Ralph's right. In the back was Pastor Wolfe talking to Jim Howard and then guarding the food table from burglars was Rick Huff, John Shamber and Brad Hawn!

There were lots of other people there and if I started trying to name everyone else that is not in a picture I would be in trouble. We had a great turn-out and I was pleased for David.
So that is it for now! I am sure that there will be more sometime later. I am enjoying having him home and I thank God for HIS blessings!!


Angie D said...

Sounds like we've missed quite a party! I'm glad you got to enjoy some quality time with your favorite Marine. :)

Anonymous said...

It was a great party and a great turnout. You did a fine job pulling it all together - and weren't those cakes delicious!? I won't say I told you so!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the pictures. Those must be Christa's tears on David's shoulder?

LaDonna said...

Looks like lots of fun...I'm anxious for the boys to get to see him before he ships out! The Bible looks really nice, we saw one like it at the Christian book store. Can't wait to see more pics!

Anonymous said...

yeah, thanx! now everyone know how short i am!!! :( jk :D

Mary Ellen said...

That was such a great way to honor your Marine - I'm glad we got to be a small part of it.

Love the Bible, what a great gift to send along with him.

He will be in our daily prayers....as will you. "-)

qw3n said...

All I can say is I'm not photogenic. :)