Friday, May 9, 2008

Just Blabbering

Someone asked me a little earlier today when they were visiting me at work if I had updated my blog yet and I said "No" and they seemed so disappointed!!!! So - here goes - an update!
Dave is busy keeping up with his work and traveling schedule and his wife!! He is so good at that! It's a good thing he is around or this woman would be worse than she already is! David and Christa will be here in the morning and we are all excited about that! I am pretty sure this is going to be a great Mothers Day!! Carrie is pretty much permanently attached to Josh and vice-versa! I know that I NEVER acted that way when I was her age! But then of course when I was her age, I was married and had a child and therefore, I will NOT complain!!!! She is actually thanking God that finals are next week and college will be done for awhile! Ashley is playing catch-up still from being gone from school for homecoming so there have been lots of tests to study for. She is a busy girl but thankfully still takes the time to hug her Mommy every once in awhile!!!!!
For the record and to simply annoy her, Donna is being a good girl and sharing her lunch with her better half! I am so proud of her today - so far she has only messed up less than 5 times and it is just barely after noon!!!
Ok - yes this post has been pointless but at least it is new!!!! You are welcome, Josh!!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

That last comment is just sooooo wrong (true but so wrong)...

I'm so excited for you - having EVERYONE home for Mother's Day!!