I know - you probably could care a less about my words and only want to see the pictures which will come eventually but for now, you will have to just put up with the words!
So, Ashley, Angela (another bridesmaid) and I set outta here on Tuesday morning for Crandall, Georgia. That trip went well other than some rain here and there. We went straight to Christa's house and enjoyed supper with her family. There had been a death in the family so Christa's sisters were already home. It was so nice to get to meet them officially and spend time with them! Wednesday we just did all kinds of wedding "stuff" which was tons of fun! Thursday morning I did something that I never want to do again which was drive DOWNTOWN ATLANTA to the airport to pick up Dave, Carrie and Josh! I NEVER want to make that drive at 8:00 in the morning EVER again!! As a side note, I have a couple of very ornery children - namely....Carrie and Josh! They got off the plan, came up the escalators and promptly told me they were engaged and I bought it hook, line and sinker! Then they went to get their luggage while I went with Dave to get his and asked Dave if Josh had talked to him about this and he said no which made me mad! We made it to the car and they told me they were just joking so after beating them both :) we went on our merry way! Rotten kids!! Thursday afternoon, David called his Dad and told him he was leaving early and coming to surprise Christa! We tried and tried to get Christa to spend the night with us at the hotel but she didn't fall for it! So - he showed up at her house around 3am and the surprise was pulled off! He got to the hotel in enough time to catch a few winks before the guys got him up to go play racquetball at 5:00 AM! Now THERE is something nutty for ya!! Anyway, Christa's bridal shower was at 8:00 and it turned out very nice! She received lots of nice gifts and I was so happy for her! We got back to the hotel and I, of course, had to do laundry! Some things never change no matter where I am! Then in the afternoon, I took along some help and decorated the fellowship hall for the rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal was a usual rehearsal but it sure wasn't the worst one I had ever been too! The dinner went really well and I was so very thankful! The ladies in the church completely outdid themselves for the dinner! It was absolutely wonderful!! We had plenty of food and I was so thankful that it went great! We cleaned up and headed back to the hotel at a fairly decent hour!
Saturday morning dawned bright and clear and the rushing began at a very early hour. The girls were partially getting ready at the hotel and then were to finish at the church! Well, the fun started when Christa called with the news that the hairdresser who was to do her hair and her maid of honor's hair did not write the appointment down and therefore they were not at salon! So she came flying to the hotel for her sister to put hot sticks in her hair and we rushed off to the church! Carrie did the maid of honors hair who had never had an up do before and needless to say she was thrilled with the results! Carrie also did Cassidy's hair and Ashley's hair! Ashley had helped Joyce with hers and Haley with hers and 5 minutes before pictures were to begin, Carrie had about 4 girls surrounding her ready to help at a moments notice! It was kinda funny! Christa's sister Martha did hers and did an excellent job! The pictures went very well and the photographer was really good! He did great with the little kids which is great since Christa has 6 nephews, a nephew on the way and a LONE niece on the way! That was all kinds of fun!!
The ceremony was wonderful! The grandparents were seated, the moms were seated! That was a new and interesting feeling! Anyway, I digress!! Then when it was time for the bridesmaids, she had a couple of her nephews escort the girls down the aisle and the groomsmen came and met them! It was so cute! Cassidy did a great job as the flower girl which I KNEW would happen! That little girl had those little boys completely swooning over her but then the groom was no better!!!!!! Anyway, the bride came and the groom was smiling from ear to ear - which was pretty cool by the way!! She surprised him and sang with her sisters the song "Only God Could Love You More" and they did such a great job! Too bad no one heard the acapella one in the bathroom! Man - it was beautiful!!!! Anyway, he was surprised but in a nice way! Then they wrote their own vows and since confession is good for the soul, I was a little worried about that boy of mine! However those two really did well with that! Then instead of a unity candle, the did the braiding of three cords which was really neat and the only little hiccup of the day! The best man could not get it untied from off the pillow! Kinda funny actually! Instead of the usual prayer by the minister or the even more usual family prayer, David took the mike and prayed a prayer over his new family which was a BEAUTIFUL thing!! Anyway, the ceremony ended and there were one or two remaining pictures and then we headed downstairs for the reception! It went very well and the decorations were very country which suits Christa well! Her parents, his parents and the new couple were the receiving line and then the guests headed off to the food! We all stuck around and helped clean up and believe it or not, I was back in my hotel room by 5:30! We enjoyed pizza for supper with Ralph and Tara and our dear friends from IN, Woody and Ruth, Andrew Palacios and Philip Calderon. It was really nice outside and we enjoyed the evening!
Sunday morning, we went to the Scarbroughs for church and Dave spoke in the service! We really enjoyed being in their little church but I enjoyed hearing my husband even more!! We ate leftovers for dinner with the family and then loaded up a very full car and headed home! By 2am, we were half dead but we had finally made it home!
I have some pictures from a good friend that came for the wedding that I will post soon and then the official pictures will come a little later!