Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I'm Glad I know Who Jesus Is

  As a wife and mother, I am fiercely protective!  Just ask my husband and children.  Here is what I often say about me at this stage of life - hurt my kids and you better look out.  Hurt my husband and you better be on a dead run somewhere.  I know - doesn't sound very Christ-like does it?  It's just words right?  But there is something profoundly protective in mother that she wants to protect her family.  And I for one believe we can do it in a right way. 
But -----------Today, my heart is broken. I have read some of the most awful things on Facebook this morning and I feel something that I can't remember ever feeling before. The things I read were about my Jesus. Horrible, awful things.
I feel more strongly than ever the NEED and the DESIRE to defend my Jesus.  My heart is burdened, broken, crushed - whatever else you want to say.  Someone has been so very mean and ugly about my Jesus.  I feel a deep, deep longing to defend Him because of what He is to me.  Where oh where would I be without Him?  How can anyone turn their back on Him? 
I know that everyone has been given the ability to make choices on their own.  No one is forced to serve or love my Jesus.  That is the neat thing about this relationship we have - we can do it because we WANT to. 
Jesus is everything to me!  I cannot imagine my life without Him in it!  My entire life has been surrounded with Him.  I learned of Him from the very beginning of my life.  I wasn't taught to fear Him or to love and serve Him out of fear.  It is because it is right and it is what I WANT to do. 
When we have friends and family that are being hurt by others, our natural reaction is to want to protect them.  We want to make sure whoever is doing the hurting KNOWS it is not acceptable.  Why oh why are we not that way even more so with Jesus??  I did my very best to stand up for Him today in a loving and kind way yet firmly so there would be no mistaking where I stood. 
I stopped and prayed with the tears flowing that God would see fit to rebuke Satan and the deceit he is sowing in these lives.  I asked my Jesus to forgive me for my lazy approach to defending Him and His reputation as my Savior.
And then, I promptly sent all "six" of my kids and text and told them that they absolutely HAD to make sure they were where they needed to be spiritually in the eyes of God.  I also reminded them to make sure NOTHING could ever make them doubt Him!  See - I am just that kind of mom.  I will do whatever I can do to make sure my kids make it to heaven!  And, they all know this already!   :)
So - if there has been any doubt before, let me make it clear!  I love my Jesus and am so thankful I KNOW who Jesus is!
In a little town of Bethlehem so many years ago,
They told Him there was no room in the inn.
But they had no way of knowing Who they had turned away -
The Lamb of God Who would take away their sins.
    I'm glad I know Who Jesus is!
    I'm glad I know Who Jesus is!
    He's more than just a story;
    He is the King of Glory.
    I'm glad I know Who Jesus is.
So many people still today don't know who Jesus is;
They've never felt His peace within their souls.
But I want my life to show them how His love can set them free
He's the only One Who can cleanse and make me whole!
    I'm glad I know Who Jesus is!
    I'm glad I know who Jesus is!
    He's more than just a story;
    He is the King of Glory.
    I'm glad I know Who Jesus is.
    He's the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End;
    He's Counsellor, Deliverer to me.
    He's the Everlasting Father; He is the King of Glory,
    I'm glad I know Who Jesus is!

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