Okay - hang on....there is an explanation before the "news"!! There is a forum that I belong to that was started by a former Drill Instructor's wife while her husband was in the Marine Corp. There are actually two ladies who run this forum. It's basic idea is to meet the needs of the Moms, Wives, Girlfriends and other family members while the guys are in the Corp. This has been a HUGE help to me over the past year. There is one thread that is for you to use while your son is in boot camp and then there is another one for after graduation. Anyway, I have "met" several people here over the last year and we have all become good friends, especially since we are all going through the same thing. You see, I have several friends who say they are praying for me and who try to help me when the days get tough. However, the bottom line is unless you have been here - you simply don't get it! I know that sounds heartless but it's still true. When I get on this board and post about having a hard time - these people know EXACTLY what I mean. By this point, we have grown to know about jobs, husbands, houses, other kids, pets, pool horror stories, weddings, births, baby problems before birth, parents, deaths, ships, Iraq, training, and whatever else you can think of. It's been really neat. These ladies always offer prayers, hugs, and words of encouragement and we just share it together.
So - the real reasons for the blog? Oh wait - another short explanation. Remember the post about "things you may not know about me"? Here's another one that may come as a shocker (not!!!). I am not a photographer. I take pictures but they are certainly nothing to brag about!! Anyway, about a year ago we bought our first digital camera and I really like it. Guess what? It broke. So about a week ago Dave sent it off to be fixed. In my haste to plan delightful activities for while my son is home for his "pre-d leave", it dawned on me Wednesday that my camera was off being repaired!!!!! I immediately went to my forum friends and asked for prayers. I know - sounds weird!! Anyway, I went home for supper and guess what was on my table? The camera!!!!! How cool is that!!!!!!
Next reason for the shouting???? Dave is leaving early in the morning to bring my Marine home!!! Yep - that's right - he gets off early!!!!! He should be back in my house sometime around 2 AM on Monday!!!!! There are just not enough exclamation points to describe the excitement!!
So - all my posts for the next two weeks will be about our family activities while David is here. Who knows - I may even post a picture or two!!! Yes, I am a little excited but I will see if I can calm down a little!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I didn't have time to go sorting through my pictures before I came to work this morning or I would post a picture with this blog. Let me see if I can give you some quick details as sort of a background.
In December of 1995, we moved to pastor a church in Wabash, IN. At that time, David was 8, Carrie was 6 and Ashley was 4. This church was so neat in that there were several older people who thought my kids were the best thing in the world. We had one little lady who always had gum for them and so after church they would go running to her and she always made them come back to one of us for permission!! Another lady either brought them M&M's or Sour Cream & Onion potato chips, usually on Wednesday night! I think you get the idea although in this church, there were several other instances like this!!!
There was one couple that started coming a little while after we got there who actually used to pastor the church. They were so sweet. Sis. Linker used to call me "Peaches" for some reason although I never quite figured out why?!?! Bro. Linker was probably about 6'6 or so and skinny as a rail. Just for fun and usually on Wednesday night, Dave would have Bro. Linker and Ashley take the offering. It looked positively hilarious!! He was soooooo tall and she was sooooo short!! It never failed to make us all laugh!
There was a couple there who became like our second parents. Woody and Ruth are such wonderful people. For those of you who live here, they come down and stay with us every year during camp in February! Anyway, I called her last night and she told me that Bro. Linker had passed away early yesterday morning. I couldn't help but sit in the chair and shed a few tears at the news. The girls came home and we told them about that and it was a tough piece of news for Ashley. She has such great memories of him. Her statement was "He may have been old but he was never supposed to die".
We are blessed to have such great people in our lives who have impacted us in special ways. We are even more blessed to know those people who have impacted the lives of our children. I thank God for the memories I have with these people in Wabash. As the conversation continued, it became obvious to me that it won't be long until we will hear of more of them making their long-awaited journey to heaven. It just reminds me of how fragile life is and to never take my relationships with family and friends for granted!!
In December of 1995, we moved to pastor a church in Wabash, IN. At that time, David was 8, Carrie was 6 and Ashley was 4. This church was so neat in that there were several older people who thought my kids were the best thing in the world. We had one little lady who always had gum for them and so after church they would go running to her and she always made them come back to one of us for permission!! Another lady either brought them M&M's or Sour Cream & Onion potato chips, usually on Wednesday night! I think you get the idea although in this church, there were several other instances like this!!!
There was one couple that started coming a little while after we got there who actually used to pastor the church. They were so sweet. Sis. Linker used to call me "Peaches" for some reason although I never quite figured out why?!?! Bro. Linker was probably about 6'6 or so and skinny as a rail. Just for fun and usually on Wednesday night, Dave would have Bro. Linker and Ashley take the offering. It looked positively hilarious!! He was soooooo tall and she was sooooo short!! It never failed to make us all laugh!
There was a couple there who became like our second parents. Woody and Ruth are such wonderful people. For those of you who live here, they come down and stay with us every year during camp in February! Anyway, I called her last night and she told me that Bro. Linker had passed away early yesterday morning. I couldn't help but sit in the chair and shed a few tears at the news. The girls came home and we told them about that and it was a tough piece of news for Ashley. She has such great memories of him. Her statement was "He may have been old but he was never supposed to die".
We are blessed to have such great people in our lives who have impacted us in special ways. We are even more blessed to know those people who have impacted the lives of our children. I thank God for the memories I have with these people in Wabash. As the conversation continued, it became obvious to me that it won't be long until we will hear of more of them making their long-awaited journey to heaven. It just reminds me of how fragile life is and to never take my relationships with family and friends for granted!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
A New Phase In Life
So, this first picture is of Carrie heading off to her first college class that started Thursday evening. Isn't she precious?!?! (Please ignore the messed up wall in the background - a bookcase has been hiding it but we had to move it to work on the dining room floor...a blog for another day!!!)
This was taken this morning (after much persuasion). Carrie is headed out the door to her first full day as an official college freshman.
She is scheduled for 18 1/2 hours this semester and is currently looking for a job that does NOT involve cleaning. She has a 75% scholarship from the Academy which is positively wonderful but can you believe that somehow Dave and I make too much money for her to qualify for a Pell Grant?!?! So, there is a small bill left over and needless to say, she needs a job!!
So - I am rather proud of her and what she has accomplished. I will have to work on a blog about Ashley to keep things even but she is always moving too fast for me to snap a picture!!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Weekend and other Blubberings
I know - no pictures but the camera is on the blink and besides, I can only update this blog at work. For some reason, the internet at home absolutely REFUSES to let me do anything but read this blog!!
So - Friday night we finally had Carrie's 18th birthday party. There were about 20 teenagers in my house and I was pretty happy to finally see the last ones walk out the door sometime around midnight!! Two of her classmates were headed off to a different college on Saturday so it was kinda sad in a way. There was much laughter in the evening and we managed to survive quite nicely!!
Saturday was spent with the usual cleaning, laundry and shopping. After Dave had changed the oil in his truck, played racquetball, mowed the grass and packed, he headed off to Summerfield to preach over Sunday. The girls and I braved Wal-Mart and trust me, that took no small amount of courage. That place was an absolute zoo!! I did not find one single package of filler paper. Thankfully the girls have enough to get them started on school but we'll have to be on the look-out for more!! I was ready to climb into bed in a fetal position by the time I left there!!! Anyway, I survived.
Sunday was a good day. Church was ........ I am not sure how to explain this - wonderful, enlightening, a struggle of sorts, worshipful, meaningful, a time of growth (painful growth I might add), yet somewhat sad. Maybe I will try to explain this. It probably won't make sense but I think I will feel better when it is gotten out of my head. First of all, the message Sunday morning was so uplifting! When we can't find the words for our prayers, Jesus explains to the Father what we are trying to say. Now - how neat is that?!?!? Secondly, the Grant girls sang such a good song Sunday night and the main thing that caught my attention was to have an attitude of praise. Ummmm....haven't quite gotten there this morning!! I won't bore you with many details but here are a few. Ashley starting her second year of high school and while nervous she's fine. There is just a special need that I am praying about for her. Carrie is starting college orientation today. Busy, nervous, excited. That describes her I think - why else would she have bounded out of bed?!?!? There is a situation in her life that is causing concern. More prayers going up there. Then there is David. A definite deployment date has been received which we are trying ...... excuse me I am trying to ignore. I haven't talked to him in 2 weeks. I know - good training, right? NOT!!!! There are other things but none that will get mentioned here. So, am I having an attitude of praise? Not at this moment. I go back to "Give what HE asks, TAKE what HE promises!" Still clinging to God and determined more than ever to learn to "praise Him in the storm".
That was my weekend. I am back at work and wondering who in the world is going to do my laundry and housecleaning for me now that the girls are back in school???? Oh yea - me and Dave!!! We are the best team in the world. I will work with him anyday (as long as he keeps me supplied with diet dew - hint!hint!).
So - Friday night we finally had Carrie's 18th birthday party. There were about 20 teenagers in my house and I was pretty happy to finally see the last ones walk out the door sometime around midnight!! Two of her classmates were headed off to a different college on Saturday so it was kinda sad in a way. There was much laughter in the evening and we managed to survive quite nicely!!
Saturday was spent with the usual cleaning, laundry and shopping. After Dave had changed the oil in his truck, played racquetball, mowed the grass and packed, he headed off to Summerfield to preach over Sunday. The girls and I braved Wal-Mart and trust me, that took no small amount of courage. That place was an absolute zoo!! I did not find one single package of filler paper. Thankfully the girls have enough to get them started on school but we'll have to be on the look-out for more!! I was ready to climb into bed in a fetal position by the time I left there!!! Anyway, I survived.
Sunday was a good day. Church was ........ I am not sure how to explain this - wonderful, enlightening, a struggle of sorts, worshipful, meaningful, a time of growth (painful growth I might add), yet somewhat sad. Maybe I will try to explain this. It probably won't make sense but I think I will feel better when it is gotten out of my head. First of all, the message Sunday morning was so uplifting! When we can't find the words for our prayers, Jesus explains to the Father what we are trying to say. Now - how neat is that?!?!? Secondly, the Grant girls sang such a good song Sunday night and the main thing that caught my attention was to have an attitude of praise. Ummmm....haven't quite gotten there this morning!! I won't bore you with many details but here are a few. Ashley starting her second year of high school and while nervous she's fine. There is just a special need that I am praying about for her. Carrie is starting college orientation today. Busy, nervous, excited. That describes her I think - why else would she have bounded out of bed?!?!? There is a situation in her life that is causing concern. More prayers going up there. Then there is David. A definite deployment date has been received which we are trying ...... excuse me I am trying to ignore. I haven't talked to him in 2 weeks. I know - good training, right? NOT!!!! There are other things but none that will get mentioned here. So, am I having an attitude of praise? Not at this moment. I go back to "Give what HE asks, TAKE what HE promises!" Still clinging to God and determined more than ever to learn to "praise Him in the storm".
That was my weekend. I am back at work and wondering who in the world is going to do my laundry and housecleaning for me now that the girls are back in school???? Oh yea - me and Dave!!! We are the best team in the world. I will work with him anyday (as long as he keeps me supplied with diet dew - hint!hint!).
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I read someones blog awhile back that had a list of things that people probably didn't know about her. I have often thought about doing that but it would be pretty boring!! Anyway, my praise has something to do with yesterday but will also tell you something about me that you probably don't know.
Okay - here goes!! Hold your breath - I HATE rain. I especially hate to drive in it!! So yesterday, I looked out the office window and saw the very dark clouds rolling in as is usual for this time of year in Florida. About 5 seconds later the phone rang and my daughters were calling to see if they could go to the library and then make a Starbucks trip. I promptly said, "Are you nuts? NO!!" Well - something like that!! Anyway, it got darker and darker and started raining. When it came 5:00 and time for me to go home, it was absolutely pouring. I waited about another 20 minutes and finally decided to head home. Thankfully I had the truck or it probably would have been worse. It was raining pretty hard and I never went over 30 the whole way home. There was water over A1A in more than one spot and in one place, a tree had come down and covered the south lane. I did get kind of tickled when I was going around the tree I started flashing my lights at the oncoming traffic to let them know and when I passed the first car, it was a cop!! Yea for me!! Anyway, I was nervous and to be frank, a little scared when a thought popped in my head! One of the first messages at camp that was preached before we arrived was regarding praise. So instead of pleading and begging God to just get me home, I started praising Him for helping me every little second! Once I got home and even now, I am chuckling at the image but oh well!!!!!!!! Anyway, I arrived home to be met by my oldest daughter with a huge umbrella which was very nice of her by the way!!
I know - it sound silly to most but it is a true fear I have. I really don't know where the fear came from but I have it. I guess what stood out to me the most was that God cared about that fear and helped me through it. I think more because I was praising HIM for I BELIEVED Him. I sit here now chuckling about it because I have survived three hurricanes so far - talk about rain!! But - I digress!! I felt impressed that I needed to praise Him for helping me make it home safely AND for learning a valuable lesson. Praise brings results!! Now - if I can just learn to praise Him for the other areas of my life that are causing struggles right now!!
Okay - here goes!! Hold your breath - I HATE rain. I especially hate to drive in it!! So yesterday, I looked out the office window and saw the very dark clouds rolling in as is usual for this time of year in Florida. About 5 seconds later the phone rang and my daughters were calling to see if they could go to the library and then make a Starbucks trip. I promptly said, "Are you nuts? NO!!" Well - something like that!! Anyway, it got darker and darker and started raining. When it came 5:00 and time for me to go home, it was absolutely pouring. I waited about another 20 minutes and finally decided to head home. Thankfully I had the truck or it probably would have been worse. It was raining pretty hard and I never went over 30 the whole way home. There was water over A1A in more than one spot and in one place, a tree had come down and covered the south lane. I did get kind of tickled when I was going around the tree I started flashing my lights at the oncoming traffic to let them know and when I passed the first car, it was a cop!! Yea for me!! Anyway, I was nervous and to be frank, a little scared when a thought popped in my head! One of the first messages at camp that was preached before we arrived was regarding praise. So instead of pleading and begging God to just get me home, I started praising Him for helping me every little second! Once I got home and even now, I am chuckling at the image but oh well!!!!!!!! Anyway, I arrived home to be met by my oldest daughter with a huge umbrella which was very nice of her by the way!!
I know - it sound silly to most but it is a true fear I have. I really don't know where the fear came from but I have it. I guess what stood out to me the most was that God cared about that fear and helped me through it. I think more because I was praising HIM for I BELIEVED Him. I sit here now chuckling about it because I have survived three hurricanes so far - talk about rain!! But - I digress!! I felt impressed that I needed to praise Him for helping me make it home safely AND for learning a valuable lesson. Praise brings results!! Now - if I can just learn to praise Him for the other areas of my life that are causing struggles right now!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Home Safe but EXHAUSTED!
Good morning all!! I am home...well, technically I am at work but you know what I mean! I am very, very tired but very, VERY glad to be home!! A short synopsis of my trip would be as follows....we left, we drove and drove and drove, we arrived, we enjoyed camp, we left, we drove and drove and drove and then we arrived home! There - how was that?!?!?!?!
Seriously, we had a good time and camp was really good. The thing that I enjoy most about our camp is the early morning prayer meeting at 6:45. Yes, I got up and went every morning but one. We had a short devotional, took some prayer requests and then just spent time praying. It was such a refreshing time for me personally! The Lord helped me to see quite plainly some areas of my life that I need to allow Him to control, some situations that I need to allow Him to handle, some circumstances that I need to let go of and the list could go on and on! I am so thankful for HIS faithfulness!!!
As to the family, Dave is still in IN. He is going to a meeting this afternoon and will probably be home sometime on Wednesday. The girls managed to survive camp:)! They had a good time with cousins, friends, playing volleyball and just being nutty girls!! I HAVE to tell you a funny story on each one! In our morning business meeting, they break up the monotony with a couple of special songs and Carrie was asked to play a piano piece. All the young people sit in a back corner section so when she got up to go to the platform, they all started clapping. When the clapping died down, her cousin Justin yelled, "I love you Carrie!" It was soooo funny! Then when she got done, they all started clapping again and when the clapping stopped, he yelled again, "I still love you Carrie!". I was about on the floor for more than one reason. First, it was funny and secondly, Quaker business meetings are usually much more sedate than that! It was a hoot!!! Then I had several people ask (people who aren't too familiar with us) which boy Ashley was with was her boyfriend. The thing is that they all took turns sitting by her and putting their arm around her BUT they are all her cousins!!! It is so comical to watch people watch her!!
As for the Marine, I hear by way of Christa that he is in Louisiana and is not having a great time. It has been over 100 degrees and he is sleeping in a tent and putting up with a few people who are NOT taking this while deployment thing too seriously!! That's scary for this momma!!! Anyway, we won't hear much from him for the next couple of weeks but I guess that is preparation for the future!!
Well, I am seriously playing catch-up both at work and at home. The girls are great about the laundry and cleaning so that is really helpful. I went shopping at several of my favorite stores so there is more than one item of new clothing at home!!! Those things are waiting on me to wash them and get them ready to wear!! That was a cool part of the trip!!!
So - I have rambled enough and I most get to work. School starts next Monday and I am very far behind in preparing for that!! See ya later in blogland!!!!
Seriously, we had a good time and camp was really good. The thing that I enjoy most about our camp is the early morning prayer meeting at 6:45. Yes, I got up and went every morning but one. We had a short devotional, took some prayer requests and then just spent time praying. It was such a refreshing time for me personally! The Lord helped me to see quite plainly some areas of my life that I need to allow Him to control, some situations that I need to allow Him to handle, some circumstances that I need to let go of and the list could go on and on! I am so thankful for HIS faithfulness!!!
As to the family, Dave is still in IN. He is going to a meeting this afternoon and will probably be home sometime on Wednesday. The girls managed to survive camp:)! They had a good time with cousins, friends, playing volleyball and just being nutty girls!! I HAVE to tell you a funny story on each one! In our morning business meeting, they break up the monotony with a couple of special songs and Carrie was asked to play a piano piece. All the young people sit in a back corner section so when she got up to go to the platform, they all started clapping. When the clapping died down, her cousin Justin yelled, "I love you Carrie!" It was soooo funny! Then when she got done, they all started clapping again and when the clapping stopped, he yelled again, "I still love you Carrie!". I was about on the floor for more than one reason. First, it was funny and secondly, Quaker business meetings are usually much more sedate than that! It was a hoot!!! Then I had several people ask (people who aren't too familiar with us) which boy Ashley was with was her boyfriend. The thing is that they all took turns sitting by her and putting their arm around her BUT they are all her cousins!!! It is so comical to watch people watch her!!
As for the Marine, I hear by way of Christa that he is in Louisiana and is not having a great time. It has been over 100 degrees and he is sleeping in a tent and putting up with a few people who are NOT taking this while deployment thing too seriously!! That's scary for this momma!!! Anyway, we won't hear much from him for the next couple of weeks but I guess that is preparation for the future!!
Well, I am seriously playing catch-up both at work and at home. The girls are great about the laundry and cleaning so that is really helpful. I went shopping at several of my favorite stores so there is more than one item of new clothing at home!!! Those things are waiting on me to wash them and get them ready to wear!! That was a cool part of the trip!!!
So - I have rambled enough and I most get to work. School starts next Monday and I am very far behind in preparing for that!! See ya later in blogland!!!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
My Second blog today but a Short one!!

I realize that I could very well need you all to plan my funeral once my kids see this but oh well. This morning I was looking for the picture that I posted below about campmeeting when I came across this one.
The other day LaDonna Covert did a blog about her son Justin's birthday and posted a picture of my "Maniacal Marine" holding him. My friend, Mary, commented to me last night about how cute he was and it prompted me to think that some of you may not remember or may not have known my teenagers in their sweeter, more well-behaved lives so I thought I would share!! This picture was taken when they were 4, 2 and about 5 months. Aren't they just adorable?
Okay - if you don't hear from me in the next 10 days or so, I am either enjoying campmeeting or heaven by way of my children assistance!!!!
My Opinion on Campmeeting (for what it's worth)

I have read several blogs recently it seems about camp meeting so since I am hopefully leaving tomorrow to attend camp in IN, I thought I would share my thoughts.
First of all, the above picture was taken 16 years ago this weekend. It's Ashley and yes, I went to a 10 day camp with an almost 4 year old boy, a 2 year old girl and a 10 day old baby. Looking back, that was so dumb of me but hey, 16 years ago you probably weren't all that smart either!!! :) AND, for the record, I did NOT make it the whole 10 days as I recall. My husband came in to camp late one night after working and found me sicker than a dog and we went home the next day!!
So - now to the original reason I blogged about this. Camp meeting was never a big deal to me until after I married David. I went to youth camp here and there but never "family" camp. In the last 20 years, we have probably been to camp close to 15 of those years. It's been a little more difficult getting there from FL but we try.
It's not the cleanest but I can sweep and dust. The bed isn't the most comfortable but I CAN sleep. The food is nowhere near what is needed for a diet but I certainly don't go hungry and there is always the snack shop after church! The showers are usually cold but if you get up early enough you can have your pick of the cleaner, hotter more bug-free shower stalls! It's hot but they have rewired the dorm and you can take your own window a/c if you want. Find the right spot out from underneath the trees and you can have fairly decent cellphone reception. The internet could be another story all on it's own but it IS possible. Even sitting through business meeting can be handled well if you are sitting with or close by the right people!!
Want some more reasons I go to camp? Well, as a female - there are LOTS and LOTS of other females to talk to all I want!!! My girls have an endless number of cousins to hang out with and there is usually a boy or two or ten hanging around. My husband will have terrible cell phone reception so no one from Florida can bug him about trivial matters (or serious ones for that matter)!! Ummmmm.....oh yes, there are usually fresh tomatoes, fresh corn and home grown green beans to eat!!!
The real reasons I go to camp? There is something unique about being in that old, somewhat tattered tabernacle and waiting with anticipation as to what is going to happen. It all starts early in the morning - 7am to be exact - with prayer meeting. The older I get the more I want to be there. I could give you countless memories as to what has happened there but I won't. Not enough space here!! Then the night services - oh my - I can't even come close to explaining that!! Scenario - you have entered the tabernacle and the song service starts. You just "feel" something happening. Then there is a special song and God settles in. Then prayer and an offertory and then another special song. By this time, Sis. Grile has begun to feel the Spirit moving on her. She starts off in her little corner with her own little shout and as young people we KNOW without a doubt what is happening. God is blessing her and we just want to hug up close. There are messages that are preached that it SEEMS we have never heard before. Then there is the altar where more than one battle has been fought and WON.
I guess I have gone on enough. I don't particularly look forward to this trip because of the distance but I know pretty much what the end result will be. My daughters and their parents :) will come in very close contact with Jesus and THAT makes ALL the difference!!!!
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